Lord, help us to live the virtue of generosity, to love without limits. (Pope Francis)
Outright Gifts
Cash or Check: Please make checks payable to St. Cecilia Congregation.
Stock: A donor can reduce or eliminate capital gains taxes through a gift of appreciated securities. Please complete and mail or fax 615.259.0176 a “Letter of Intent” which includes your name, address, and phone number to make us aware of your intentions. We will then provide you with the necessary tax documentation. If you have any questions, please call Sister Mary Catherine at 615.251.0053. The following information is necessary to provide to your broker in order to transfer the securities:
Morgan Stanley
3102 West End Avenue, Suite 200 Nashville, TN 37203
Account Name: St. Cecilia Congregation
Account #: 471-105877-206 Deposit # (DTC): 0015
Attn: Mr. Lee Burklow
Phone: 615.269.2455
IRA Charitable Rollover: On Dec. 18, 2015, the President of the United States signed into law the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015. The new law made the IRA charitable rollover retroactive to Jan. 1, 2015, and will remain in effect not only for 2015 but permanently. Donors 70½ or older are once again eligible to move up to $100,000 from their IRAs directly to qualified charities without having to pay income tax on the money. The IRA charitable rollover rules are listed below.
Donors may make a direct transfer if:
- The donor is age 70½ or older on the day of the gift.
- The donor transfers up to $100,000 directly from the donor’s IRA to one or more qualified charities. This opportunity applies only to IRAs and not to other types of retirement plans.
- The donor does not receive any goods or services in return for the rollover gift in order to qualify for tax-free treatment.
- The gift needs to be made by Dec. 31st, for the gift to qualify in the current calendar year.
For more information, please contact:
D. Paige Matthews, CFRE
615.251.0053 ext. 3004
Online with credit card or electronic check: To make a gift online, please see the Donate Online page.
Telephone: To make a gift by telephone, please call: 615.251.0053.
Mail: To mail your gift, please include your name, address and telephone number along with credit card payment, cash, check or money order.
Gifts may be mailed to:
St. Cecilia Congregation
Advancement Office
801 Dominican Drive
Nashville, TN 37228-1909
Pledges: Contributions of $250 or more may be pledged over a 12 month period. If your gift is for the Annual Fund and you would like to complete payments within the fiscal year, please note that the Dominican Sisters operate on a July 1-June 30 fiscal year. If you are making a gift for a special project or endowed fund, gifts may be pledged over longer periods of time. Typically, pledges of these types are encouraged to be completed within five years.
Planned Gifts: Making a planned gift through a will, estate plan or another type of deferred gift such as one through an IRA or retirement fund, life insurance policy, or charitable trust gives donors opportunities to provide future support for the Dominican Sisters as well as opportunities for short and long-term tax benefits. Donors are encouraged to consult with a financial advisor, accountant or attorney about structuring charitable giving in a way that best meets their philanthropic and financial goals. For proper identification of the Dominican Sisters in legal documents, donors are encouraged to contact the Advancement Office at 615.251.0053.
If you have any questions or need assistance, you may contact our Advancement Office by phone (615.251.0053), fax (615.259.0176), email (using this form) or mailing address: Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia, Advancement Office, 801 Dominican Drive, Nashville, TN 37228.